The Brabant Innovation Days 2023 Tokyo

High tech systems
Japan 29 november 2023

The Dutch Province of Brabant, one of Europe's leading high-tech regions, will host a Brabant Innovation Day on Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at The Okura Tokyo. The event, now in its fourth year, is a special one-day summit, where research institutes and startups from the region will share their latest innovations.

ヨーロッパ有数のハイテク地域であるオランダのブラバント州は、2023年11月29日(水)、「ブラバント・イノベーション・デイズ」をホテル「オークラ東京」で開催いたします。今年で4回目となる同イベントは、 ご招待限定の一日サミットで、同州の研究機関やスタートアップ企業が最新のイノベーションを共有します。

The aim is to promote effective innovation by establishing new partnerships and strengthening existing partnerships with Japanese companies and organizations.


This year's theme is 'Sustainable Next Generation Manufacturing Technologies in Electronics and Photonics'. The main applications are related to semicon, energy, automotive, healthcare and consumer electronics (displays).


The event will also showcase the dynamic interactions between research institutes, startups and large companies in the region. Several startups will introduce their latest technologies and explain how they are bringing innovative prototypes into volume manufacturing.


Please note that the series of presentations will be given in English, but there will be simultaneous Japanese translation. Questions may be asked in Japanese or English.


First of all, please save the date on Wednesday, 29 November, and fill the registration form on this website. Joining this event is free of charge, but the registration is required because it is by invitation only. We look forward to welcoming you at the event.


Agenda - Sustainable Next Generation Manufacturing Technologies in Electronics & Photonics

12:00 12:40

Registration & lunch

12:40 12:50
Picture of speaker by the name of Yorick Michelbrink
Yorick Michelbrink

Province of Noord-Brabant

Manager Brabant Innovation Days

Opening remarks

12:50 13:15
Picture of speaker by the name of Jeroen van den Brand
Jeroen van den Brand

TNO Holst Centre

Department Manager Printed Electronics

Printed electronics: what's next?

13:15 13:40
Picture of speaker by the name of Gari Arutinov
Gari Arutinov

TNO Holst Centre

Group Lead Printed Electronics

Laser-assisted microLED integration

13:40 14:05
Picture of speaker by the name of Angèle Reinders
Angèle Reinders

Solliance Solar Research


Solliance: from the lab to solar applications

14:05 14:30
Picture of speaker by the name of Francesca Chiappini
Francesca Chiappini

Chip Integration Technology Center (CITC)

Program manager

Advanced chip packaging: from RF to power electronics

14:30 15:00

Coffee & Tea break

15:00 15:25
Picture of speaker by the name of Ashok Sridhar
Ashok Sridhar



Mass manufacturing of printed electronics utilizing roll to roll technologies enables novel industrial applications in automotive, health and displays

15:25 15:50
Picture of speaker by the name of Fabien Bruning
Fabien Bruning



Impulse printing: enabling high volume manufacturing of 3D interconnects

15:50 16:15
Picture of speaker by the name of Niek Boksebeld
Niek Boksebeld

Solar Team Eindhoven

Team member

Picture of speaker by the name of Niels van den Broek
Niels van den Broek

Solar Team Eindhoven

Team member

Stella Terra: the solar offroader that redefines freedom

16:15 16:40
Picture of speaker by the name of Danqing Liu
Danqing Liu



Picture of speaker by the name of Dirk J. Broer
Dirk J. Broer



Liquid crystal based haptic technology based on surface dynamics

16:40 17:05
Picture of speaker by the name of Eelko Brinkhoff
Eelko Brinkhoff

Brabant Development Agency (BOM)

Director Foreign Investments & International Trade

Driving impact and creating a sustainable future for Brabant by startup funding, innovation programs and internationalization

17:05 17:15
Picture of speaker by the name of Eric van Kooij
Eric van Kooij

Netherlands embassy in Tokyo

Counsellor for Science, Technology & Innovation

Closing remarks

17:15 19:00
Picture of speaker by the name of Theo Peters
Theo Peters

Netherlands embassy in Tokyo

Chargé d'affairs ad interim

Networking drinks

Opening and toast by Theo Peters

Rewatch discussions





All Life Sciences & Health IT, Big Data & AI High Tech Systems and Materials Mobility Agrifood Energy Digital twinning Chemical & Biobased
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Update - Fonontech | "Impulse Printing" enables high volume printing on 3D surfaces
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Update - Haptontech | University startup successfully develops new "Haptic Technology"
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Update - 入院を最小限にする。オランダ発の最新ヘルステクノロジー
入院を最小限にする。患者のデータを病院に送るウェアラブルとセンサー付きマットなど、オランダで続々開発 TNOホルストセンターで開発されたヘルスパッチの技術。心電図や心拍数、呼吸数を家にいながら計測し、病院からデータをモニターすることが可能に。...
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Update - Minimizing Hospitalization. The Latest Health Technologies in The Netherlands
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Update - 再生医療の普及に向けたオランダの計画が始動
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31-10-2022 Naoko  Yamamoto
Update - Dutch Plans To Make Regenerative Medicine Accessible For Patients
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Update - Implantable Artificial Kidney for Japan by 2030
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Update - 「次なるテスラ」がオランダで続々生まれる理由
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入院を最小限にする。患者のデータを病院に送るウェアラブルとセンサー付きマットなど、オランダで続々開発 TNOホルストセンターで開発されたヘルスパッチの技術。心電図や心拍数、呼吸数を家にいながら計測し、病院からデータをモニターすることが可能に。...
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Update - Minimizing Hospitalization. The Latest Health Technologies in The Netherlands
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Update - Dutch Plans To Make Regenerative Medicine Accessible For Patients
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