スマート グリーン & ヘルシー ライフ イノベーション サミット 2022
Our event at the Okura Hotel, Tokyo on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 16th 2022 was a great success! Thanks for all the positive feedback. Videos have now been posted of the sessions.
Now is your chance to follow up on the new contacts you made or ask more questions.
Please scroll down this page to watch the keynote presentations and breakout sessions. Click on the Vimeo symbol to watch in full screen or download the video.
Two Main Themes
On Wednesday, November 16th 2022, the Netherlands high-tech region of North Brabant shared many breakthrough innovations in a special one-day summit to be held in Tokyo. Designed to appeal to both industry leaders and high-tech start-ups, this meeting is part of a series of meetings. They are designed as a catalyst to foster more effective innovation and international collaboration between Japan and The Netherlands. This meeting focused on two critical themes relevant to Japanese society.
- Advanced personalised healthcare,
- Smart and sustainable mobility.